^ Surface tension: Once you leave the underground cocoon of safety you're on your own.| HD version. | YouTube version (for iPhone).
Fallout 3 gameplay demo part 2 | YouTube version
Fallout 3 gameplay demo part 3 | YouTube version
Fallout 3 gameplay demo part 4 | YouTube version
Fallout 3 gameplay demo part 5 | YouTube versionUploaded by www.cellspin.net
" Don't blame yourself. The apocalypse wasn't your fault. Actually, it was just as much your fault as it was anyone else's. Come to think of it, if you're an American, it was probably about 80-90 percent more your fault than the average human. But don't let that get you down. It wasn't exclusively your fault. Unless you're the president. Then it might be your fault. But you'll have plenty of interns to tell you that it wasn't, so you'll be fine. "
- Meghan Marco, Field Guide to the Apocalypse
" Wild, dark times are rumbling toward us, and the prophet who wishes to write a new apocalypse will have to invent entirely new beasts, and beasts so terrible that the ancient animal symbols of St. John will seem like cooing doves and cupids in comparison. "
- Heinrich Heine, "Lutetia; or, Paris," Augsberg Gazette, 1842
- Meghan Marco, Field Guide to the Apocalypse
Prepare for the future. ...vintage, sepia, interactive, atmospheric, dark, funny, ironic, disturbing, entertaining.
" Wild, dark times are rumbling toward us, and the prophet who wishes to write a new apocalypse will have to invent entirely new beasts, and beasts so terrible that the ancient animal symbols of St. John will seem like cooing doves and cupids in comparison. "
- Heinrich Heine, "Lutetia; or, Paris," Augsberg Gazette, 1842
fallout 3: a postnuclear frolic | a space alien
Fallout 3 official game site (screenshots, details, and more videos)
fallout 3: a postnuclear frolic | a space alien
Fallout 3 official game site (screenshots, details, and more videos)
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