Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the inspiring breakdown of Joel Burns

Rivulets of tears streamed down my face as I watched this. It hurt so much to watch, but at the same time it was profoundly uplifting.

I wish I could give Joel the tightest tight hug I could possibly give anyone, stain his chest with my tears.

This is all we ask for, to have a chance at life unoppressed and unsuppressed. The kind of life that all straight people, including you who read this, enjoy and even take for granted. Some of us kill ourselves because of what some of you have done to us.

You have no idea the suffering we must put up with.

You have no idea what I went through, what Joel went through, what those young teens went through before they took their own lives.

Imagine you as a parent walking in on your son or daughter, seeing his or her limp body hanging from a rope, or bloody from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. All because you never took the time to listen, to talk. Or because you said they're going to hell. Your own parent whom you thought loved you telling you to go to hell for what you are through the accident of birth.

Is love, tolerance, and acceptance too much to ask for? It seems with some of us, like Tony Perkins at the conservative Family Research Council, it is.

So to my family and friends and associates, I appreciate and love those of you who have accepted and embraced me for who I am, not for what your god or your society tries to force me to become. Thank you. :-)

1 comment:

JonathanElliot said...

No, I really don't have much idea what you went through. But I'm really glad you're around, and glad you've shared this message.

I feel I have to share it too.


Jonathan from Spritzophrenia