Saturday, June 23, 2007


I sometimes see the forest for the trees.

I know I could be doing much more with myself, as each progressive day is, after all, an opportunity to be a better version of one's self than the day before. Still, I'm not pressuring me, that's one of the last things I would do. I prefer to replace pressure with inspiration.

My good friend K is in London with her younger sister, their very first time on their own across the pond, away (thankfully) from family. K is progressing as an individual and, by her declaration, as a woman. She's getting on. My other friend J is steadily working on an entrepreneurial project, hopefully he'll have the time, discipline, and capital to undertake it successfully. And yet another good friend, N, will be a young new mother in several months, not unsurprising by me. Perhaps this will be the profound ignition that she truly needs in her life, she has been through a lot emotionally, but the crux of that is the lack of a stable foundation (can family become one? Absolutely.).

As for me, I seem to have my own pace towards my own space. I've been in hibernation again for the past year, not really feeling a great sense of movement and direction if I discount being here for Nanay, which I don't at all consider a small accomplishment.

Next week I start a new job, at a satellite store of one of the greatest museums in the world, and this time I mean to make the best of it that I can. Working at the previous job at the cultural institution, I knew it wasn't right for me given the shoddy way it was being managed and the embarrassment I felt there. The pay was crap, they department I was in was at the bottom of the food chain, and I knew I was worth far more than that. This new job, though seasonal, should provide an entry to better things. I'm not so much concerned about making a lot of money as I am working somewhere where I'm treated well and that is open to my ideas.

I've also signed up to become a docent at another culture institution nearer to me. I met with two representatives from the volunteer department there to discuss my qualifications. We had a pretty good time talking and I like how their program works, I liked the vibe. Again, I plan on working this well to my advantage, my training and subsequent experience there should help get my foot in the door even more as to working deeper in a cultural institution setting, exactly where I want to be. That is my stability professionally.

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