^ Often times seemingly noble intents under the aegis of religious beliefs have very damaging consequences - in this case the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. Here religion is not the answer, education is.
More stuff for which I strongly criticize religion today, and specifically religious dogma...
Anti-education sentiment and lack of intellectual honesty - In some Midwestern and southern states here in the U.S. the Christian bible is taught in class as a requirement. Even prayer is required every morning before class commences.
Anti-education sentiment and lack of intellectual honesty - In some Midwestern and southern states here in the U.S. the Christian bible is taught in class as a requirement. Even prayer is required every morning before class commences.
Texas public schools now required to teach the Bible | Examiner.comAs of the 2009-2010 school year public schools in Texas are now required to offer a high school elective course on the literature of the Bible and history of that era. House Bill No. 1287 explains that the course “must be taught in an objective and non-devotional manner that does not attempt to indoctrinate students as to either the truth or falsity of the Judeo-Christian biblical materials”. It goes on to say that schools can add courses on other religious texts if they would like, but only the one on the Bible is required...
As far as I know, public schools in the elementary or high school level at large don't offer theology courses - that is, a course that introduces students to world religions and their various details in comparison. Only the study of Christianity or a subject falling within Christianity (creationism/intelligent design) is required. How many of you are willing to bet that other religions are not offered for "neutral" study because the powers that be refuse to have a hand in triggering these young minds to begin questioning the belief system they are being raised under? And do you think that's fair to the child? After all, if you were a parent, wouldn't you want to give your kid the most expansive kind of education so she can be better prepared to make intelligent choices in who she wants to be?
^ The study of religions other than your own may be seen as questioning your god. In fact, in a strict religion such as Islam denouncing your faith is punishable by death. Is studying other religions for intellectual purposes really enough to undermine your certainty in your belief and worship of your god, thus prompting him to damn you to hell? Neuroscientist and author Sam Harris has some things to say about this.
Wouldn't a young person who chooses to remain Christian after being enlightened by the study of other kinds religions in the world - including the knowledge of being secular or non-religious - be more worthy of god's grace than another young person who was never allowed to be exposed to other religions and thus never given a choice?
One major accusation that important thinkers like Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens make is that most any faith based system (and we'll specify Christianity here as a strong example) thrive on intellectual dishonesty. A faith based system can only survive as long as it is never questioned or challenged. The moment it is is when it begins to fall apart as a system and even as an idea. And Christian authorities know this. This is why they so vehemently oppose teaching evolution classes and instead require classes in creationism. If they really did feel confident in their beliefs they'd allow the kids to discover Darwinian evolution and biology and other pertinent sciences, as well as other world religions.
One major accusation that important thinkers like Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens make is that most any faith based system (and we'll specify Christianity here as a strong example) thrive on intellectual dishonesty. A faith based system can only survive as long as it is never questioned or challenged. The moment it is is when it begins to fall apart as a system and even as an idea. And Christian authorities know this. This is why they so vehemently oppose teaching evolution classes and instead require classes in creationism. If they really did feel confident in their beliefs they'd allow the kids to discover Darwinian evolution and biology and other pertinent sciences, as well as other world religions.
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