Monday, November 10, 2008

angelina jolie asks for justice, then peace

^ Jolie argues that "there is no peace without justice" and crimes against humanity must be prosecuted.
This is what most of us have actually forgotten as we have our countries send food and supplies to victims and refugees in places like Darfur or Sierra Leone. Often mothers and their daughters who had been raped, or whose children and fathers had been massacred are soon after sent back to their villages where their rapists and murderers live and were allowed to walk away from the crimes. What does that say about justice in those parts of the world where it's most desperately needed?

It's always when I'm aware of these atrocities that I again and again thank my parents for bringing me and my siblings over from a third world country. Even if the Philippines has a better judicial system than Darfur, it's still very spotty and very dangerously inconsistent compared to the American system or most nations in Europe or other more politically and ideologically advanced countries. It's humbling for me, and more importantly, reminds me to never, ever take my freedom for granted.

Related: Angelina Jolie's humanitarian work outlined.


Anonymous said...

Angelina Jolie is one prophet in a long line of humans decrying the enormous atrocity of human suffering brought on by greed and malice. Pope Paul VI proclaimed "War no more" and "Justice must preclude Peace" before the United Nations in 1965. The litany of genocide we've witnessed in our lives is unrelenting. The one refrain that constantly returns is the lack of response from established governments and businesses to end the abuse of humans. I'm quite concerned to see the extent that business interests will go to profit from human suffering. If we humans decided not to engage in weapons manufacturing much agony would end on our planet. Why do we tolerate the extensive use of resources for destructive means? I wish to walk in the footsteps of MLK and Ghandi, and Jesus toward a new social order that promotes universal human dignity before special/national or "vested business" interests. Who dares walk with me?
Peace and Good, Bill

a space alien said...

Those questions you ask seem so simple, don't they, Bill?

But you know, those individuals and organizations responsible for all these atrocities - the ones who should and must answer such questions - too often never do answer them, or when they do the answers are so stilted or warped as to be beyond logical.

But the questions we should asking ourselves is: How do you reason with that kind of mentality? How? What do you do when reasoning fails? Do you simply take more time, try to come up with other ways, while more innocent human beings are abused, mutilated, or slaughtered?

Anonymous said...

So true, B, these are simple questions - "Why do we tolerate the extensive use of resources for destructive means?" and " Who dares walk with me in the footsteps of MLK and Ghandi, and Jesus toward a new social order that promotes universal human dignity before special/national or "vested business" interests?"
I can see you're another sensitive soul who wishes to seek peace through justice. However, I challenge you further. We allow these governments and business interests to exist without recourse to justice nor public outcry over their deliberate acts of commission and omission in the face of horific atrocities. What would they do if we were to stop trade with them, refuse tax or purchase payments to them? Yes, they may declare war upon us for our righteous stand, but we can gather public sentiment within their circle of influence as well as around the world in publicizing their evil intent and actions.
They know what they continue to do is expedient evil, so they must meet an effective force of love that will bring them to conversion. Their hearts may not change, but their action surely will change when the cost of continuing a harmful business practice alienates them from public approval and debilitates their essential power to conduct regular business. Boycotts are effective as long as they remain consistent and gain widespread popularity. With continual attention and education even hardened hearts will soften under the glare of persistent love. I think MLK and his civil rights movement showed this to be true to some modest effect. If I were to critique their efforts, I would say that followup conversion with particularly virulent racists was never pursued by activitists. It's good to pray for people; it's even more loving to fellowship with your enemies and feed them and educate them whether they approve or tolerate the attention. Evil is eradicated from Earth when good men take courage and do what's in their creative hearts to stop power concentration.
Peace and Good, Bill

Jonathan Elliot said...

Well, how bout that? I knew she did humanitarian work, but not how much. I've got a little more respect for AJ now, thanks to you.

Jonathan from Spritzophrenia