So it looks like I have some kind of bug and it makes sense. Yesterday was awfully cold and very wet in L.A. and I wasn't well dressed for it (should've worn a scarf). My throat's still itchy and I'm coughing here and there and my nose is slightly stuffed.
I just made some hot chicken broth. Strange, it seems southern California is a bad place to be sick because the contrast is acute - you feel ooky physically and so, in your mind, the weather should be as well. But instead of it being cold and wet and overcast outside it's very pleasantly sunny and clear and all the trees are ripe with green leaves. Again it may have to do with my growing up in the Midwest so I associate having a cold or flu with inclement weather. I just know that when I'm sick here in L.A. it feels worse because it's so bright and nice out. Perhaps perversely enough I prefer being sick when it's nasty out, the snuggling under blankets and sipping hot broth feels so much better that way.
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