Wednesday, March 11, 2009

e-chain of fools

"Don't even."

LOL! I just got "gently scolded" by people I don't know who work with my oldest sister. She sent me yet another one of those chain emails with really corny sentimental messages in them. You know what I'm talking about, right? They got, say, cute puppy dog pics, animated smileys with "have a nice day" wishes, or heartwarming human interest stories done in PowerPoint with very, VERY, VERY loud elevator music, and of course about a hundred cc's to other recipients. I'm sure you get these 'feel good' chain emails all the time. I delete most of them without even reading, but some I do read (against my better judgment).

I decided to be evil (oh yes, I'm capable of it) and reply not just to my sister but to all the recipients (most likely some of them forwarded it to my sister in the first place) with great sarcasm:

"AWWWWW! This is so excruciatingly corny and trite and whoever put it together with those cheap sofa painting backgrounds and deafeningly loud elevator/shopping mall music should be flogged senseless.

But the message is well taken and I agree. Thanks to all my parachute packers, I love you! May you never have to deal with unbearably corny 1970s style Hallmark greeting card type emails again."


A couple of them wrote me back with an obvious tone of dismay: "Did you get up on the wrong side of bed?" "Who are you?"

Chain emails as such are the equivalent of real world chain mail to me, akin to numbingly annoying ones that clutter up my mailbox and waste good paper. This is how computer viruses and worms are spread, through attachments or links in the emails. At least you can never do that with real world letters. But as it stands, my family and some of my friends keep sending these to me, expecting me to forward it to other people.

Look, I am a good soul, I've survived life threatening crises and other moments of agony in my life, I volunteer my time and money to worthy causes, I love my mother unconditionally, I'm loyal to my friends. But that does NOT mean I do this cruddy Hallmark "perfect world" crap, there's something sickeningly saccharine about it and I will not apologize for it.

I do have my mushy moments but I hate it when emails like this try to force mushiness on me. That's just...revolting.

“I shall stay the way I am because I do not give a damn.”

Ever read Dorothy Parker much? You should. It's very grounding stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fluorescent, negatively charged & 5-dimensional, I presume! Let's wisely watch out.
Perhaps Thing may somehow appreciate Tellurian wallpaper art on Ping Desktop / Laptop Wallpapers:
Heavily Babe oriented, I guess it's mostly for men.
Gender neutral, and certainly no less important to me is my poetry on Single Swingle:
Miscellaneous personal philosophy on Window Mirror:

- Peter Ingestad, Sweden